Gwen & Kate's Library

Two sisters' reviews of Young Adult and Middle Grade books, inspired by their lovely library.

The Addictive Blog Award!


Thank you so so much Heir of Ravenclaw for our nomination to this award! We’re honored!

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person awarding you.
  2. Share a little about why you blog and how the journey started.
  3. Paste the blog award on your page.
  4. Nominate 10 other bloggers you feel deserve the award.

The Journey:

This part is a little difficult for us since why our journey started is such a part of the blog, and it’s something I’ve shared quite a bit about already. So instead I’m going to send you all over to The Story Behind the Library for those of you who don’t know our background yet.

I was going to post some updated pictures of our library in this post (which is why it took me so so long to write), but after cleaning it up, I realized that nothing much has changed in the past year and a half. We added one shelf for Kate’s middle grade books so my YA books have a large shelf just for themselves, and the decorations have changed a bit, but other than that it looks nearly identical to the pictures in our original post.

Who We’re Addicted To:

Always Opinionated Girl (of course)

Ahhh! No one who hasn’t already been picked as addictive by someone else! So anyone who I don’t know about yet but will become addicted to once I do, feel free to take this as your nomination and just add your link to the comments!

Thanks again Heir of Ravenclaw!

2 comments on “The Addictive Blog Award!

  1. katherinej1012
    February 3, 2015

    Congrats on the award! :)

What do you think?


This entry was posted on February 2, 2015 by in Author: Gwen, Awards, Library, Photos and tagged , , .